Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Try Humor Instead of Anger

“Iris, jangan panjat kerusi tu, tinggi. Nanti Iris jatuh.”

She went up the chairs and fell down.

“Haa, kan tadi Mummy dah cakap jangan panjat. Panjat-lah lagi”


“Iris tak payah-lah minum susu Mummy. Nanti Iris muntah. Ada ulat. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out.” (Strategi paling hina sebagai seorang ibu)

She had them both and sometimes vomits the milk out. (The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out: it worked!)

“Haa, kan tadi Mummy dah cakap jangan minum. Minum-lah lagi.”


Mummy, please stop being sarcastic. Tell me the right thing in a positive tone; do not tell me things that get me confused. One time you tell me not to do it, and then you tell me to do it. Which one should I do Mummy? Teach me the right thing Mummy, for you are my Mummy. I hate you when you talked sarcasm. Please be like Mummy Runaway Bunny, she never talked sarcasm. Please Mummy, teach me the right things.

O Allah, help me to be a better Mummy.

"If you find the right tone, humor can be an incredibly effective way to get kids and parents laughing through difficult situations. Keep in mind that young children are literal and may not always get a joke, but will love to laugh along with a parent. And school children hate sarcasm directed at them, but love being in on a witty joke."-Michael Thompson, Ph.D.Co-author, Raising Cain, Senior Project Advisor.


dayangbest said...

mcm mak aku jek

"larilah..lari laju2 lagik"

lepas jatuh, lutut luka sbb lari lepas kena larang

Shahida Shalahim said...

dayang-kalo gitu aku nk carry on je la jd sarcastic, nnt dpt anak mcm ko, rajin baca buku n belajar jauh2 sampai ke US to the A.:)