Thursday, March 22, 2012

Play Transferring

The other day, we have been warned with the water disruption for two days, so the school is closed. The girls were just recovered with AGE and so I needed to clean up the house so that that bad Rotavirus would not harm our house again. So to keep the girls preoccupied, I let them play with the uncooked rice instead of their forever favorite playground: the bathroom. Enjoy the activity girls!

Make it believable as possible.

Iris called it 'brush' (beras).

Iyra wanted to join as well.

Iris transferred the 'brush' into the cup.

They learnt new words: cup and saucer.

They really were occupied.

Iesha, tu belum masak-lah!!!

Ooo Mummy, I want to play too!


Nah, Baby nak main jugak!

I still need to be 1 meter around them, otherwise Iyra would be the victim of trial-and-error by Iesha.

See, I told you!

This girl's strength equal to 10 boys of her age.

It's no fun, Mummy. I rather read book.

Lailahaillallah Ahmad Ahmad, Iesha's version of Solawah.

Okay time's up!

Brush sini, brush sana!

The end.

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