Monday, January 11, 2016

Chromatography Color Experiment

This time we made an experiment to separate color mixtures. They always hopped in joy whenever they mixed blue and yellow and yelled "Green!". So we did this experiment in order to try to separate blue and yellow from "Green!". They then used the dried filters to make beautiful butterflies.

The separating method is called chromatography. Bapak also joined this experiment. He excitedly explained that the medical field also used this method to separate the blood mixtures. And this explanation caused Iris and Iesha jaw-dropped. "Like blood is the combination of yellow and purple?", "You're kidding us out!", "No way my red blood is a little bit of pink?". 

Try this out with your children! They surely itching to re-do the experiment. 

What you need:
Coffee filter, clear glasses, non-permanent markers and water.

Make a semicircle on the filter. (I bought this filter at Daiso which is already folded into two. If you use round filter, draw a circle then fold it into two.)

Don't color too close to the tip of the filter as the water travel so fast, so that it won't bleed your marker so soon. 

Try with different colors. 

Write down the color's name on the filters, so you can trace back after it bleed.

Fill the glass with 1-2 inches of water.

Look! The water is moving!

Iesha observed that "Water moves from wet to dry paper."

Iesha wondered why water moved so slow on yellow-colored filter. She then discovered that the tip of the filter didn't touch the water. 

So, what is your favorite color?

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