Friday, February 10, 2012

Surviving Motherhood

Looking back, I have started blogging in 2008; 4 years full of my motherhood journey. I guess I have quite some things to share with the moms out there. Some thing that might be useful, some might not for motherhood survival. An 'expert' might not best fit me, but four years of experiences in motherhood with three little children, I'd like to share simple and practical advices so that all of us can feel in the know and in control.

I am not a perfect parent, neither my children. But with these simple tips to share, we know that we aren't alone. People say that motherhood is a lonely journey, I think it is not. I have you, you and you; all mothers out there!

And while I'd like to tell you I have covered and done all of the tips, I haven't. But who doesn't want to be a good mother? Let us try!

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