Thursday, April 8, 2010

Iris Favourite Lullabies

Lullaby 1
Baa baa black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir,
Three bags full,
One for my master,
And one for the dame,
And one for the little boy who lives down the lane.
Thank you said the master,
Thank you said the dame,
Thank you said the little boy who lives down the lane.
Lullaby 2
Iris, Iris,
Engkaulah ratu hatiku,
Bilaku berduka,
Engkau hiburkan selalu.
Iris, Iris,
Engkaulah ratu hatiku,
Kau tak dapatku lupa,
Iris, Iris!!!
Every night I have to sing these songs for her, if not she won't sleep and screaming "Baaa Baaa" for lullaby 1 and "Buu Buu" for lullaby 2.


bapak iris adeena said...

Bapak selalu nyanyi jugak lagu nie kat iris... Bila bapak balik la...

nodoya shalala said...

nk jugok tu. haha.

Shahida Shalahim said...

hehe anya, tu la nok jugok tu!hehe okayla bapak!