Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Read aloud: Mortimer's First Garden

"Brown, brown, brown." Winter was just over and everything was brown. Mortimer was in need of something green. He munched on the sunflower seeds and thinking how to turn the garden to green again. He overheard the story of how springtime rain and sunshine nurture little seeds to grow into big green plants. He however was skeptical about that but decided to plant the seed anyway. He waited and waited but there was no sign of anything green. But on one miraculous day, he saw a small green plant came out from the ground. He was so happy about that and he kept watering the plant. He can't believe his eyes when finally he had his own sunflower! He was so lucky he can collect hundreds of sunflower seeds to eat and he shared the seeds and happiness with a tiny spider. 

This is a good book to show the importance of patience and planting (hehe) and believing in miracle. It is a good book to show the goodness of sharing and giving too. I'll read this book again to them tonight.

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