Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Welcome ya Ramadhan 2014!

Iris on 'Where is Allah?'

Iris showed me her new drawing. I was baffled with the word Allah all over her drawing and asked her why. She gave me a brainy question instead, "We can see all things Allah created, but why we can't see Allah (the Creator)?".  I was in awe as I too was struggling with that question in my whole life.  It now seems so clear to me that every one of us is so keen to really 'see' Allah, despite our age. I tried to skip the question at first, but I answered her anyway, "Allah wants to make huge surprise in Syurga. Once we entered it, tadaa!! Allah is there for you to hug." I can't think of any better answer, but she hopped in joy with such comforting promise. Insya Allah.

Ahlan ya wasahlan ya Ramadhan. I hope Allah will guide us to perform our best in this holy month!

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