Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Need To Order

I need to order extra time from God. Extra time to read a newspaper, okay, I’ll be true, just read the news headlines. Please give me the extra time God, oh just please. I seriously need extra time to settle the unfinished laundry, the unwashed dishes, the never read October, November, December, January’s issues of Reader’s Digest and Mastika, the unordered money order for IELTS exam, the mailing things to all nice supervisors around the world, and even to just look at myself.

Now forget the skimming through friend’s EH’s magazines (well, I don’t buy magazines with beautiful people in it because I feel ugly), forget the late night movie watching with Bapak, forget reading the old new books I have bought last three months (I don’t even have time to toss the book!), and forget about watching my favorite reali-silly show: America’s Next Top Model (er, ada lagi ke?).

The sole cause for this matter is: YOU! How could I do all the above tasks while you screaming with your highest frequency? Human ear can only detect range up to 20KHz, but yours is most probably 21KHz. You are so good with your pitching. No doubt. Thank God I have Bapak to alternately holding you. And do the cooking. And bathing you. And changing the dirty diapers. And playing Peek-A-Boo with you. But my life is a total chaos once Bapak scheduled on-call.

You only keep quiet when you were amused with your own fingers and feet. That amusement took you five minutes to hold your voice. And once you recognize your own fingers and feet, you started to scream again. "Iris ni cepat rasa boringla"-I quoted Nek Ma. And the rest of the day I have to hold you and play Up Up and Away or else just sit in front of Bapak's fish tank and watch the fish swimming and sleeping. You just hate to have your body in sleeping position. Iris, did you know that you don't have strong muscle and bones to keep you in sitting position, yet?

Now I know. It is not easy to be a supermom. It is a scarce commodity in many communities (perasan). So God, I seriously need to order that extra time.

But Iris, just keep on screaming, I just don't care because I know I will probably miss this moment. But don't you have any lower decible to scream?


Anonymous said...

kuat eh iris menangis?
nape eh?bukan sebab kembung perut ke?
iris pakai barut perut tak?
pakai tak minyak telon kat perut die?

Shahida Shalahim said...

dia bukan nangis pun syu.dia jerit nak mintak org dukung dia.takpun just sit close to her.then she'll be fine.she just loves attention.