Thursday, January 17, 2013

Read aloud: Allah Made Them All

It is creatively written story of Allah to teach the young minds and even for the old ones (me).  It has beautiful illustration.  All the creatures in the world are created by Allah; small or big, tiny or huge.  My girls love the idea that Allah is so powerful that He can create all these animals, insect and fish.  With the little knowledge on this matter myself, (creation), I tried to deliver and answer all their questions the best I could.  And if you have any good answers, please do let me know.  Really appreciate it! Here are their questions.

  1. Macamana Allah buat monkey?  Dia guna tangan Dia ke?
  2. Allah ni kreatif kan, Mummy? (Nek Ma taught her the word kreatif)
  3. Rumah Allah ni sebenarnya kat mana Mummy? 
  4. Kenapa Allah buat lightning?  Iris takut-lah.
  5. Allah ke buat buku ni, Mummy?
  1. Macamana Allah buat monkey, Mummy? Ye guna tangan Ye ke Mummy?
  2. Allah ni kreatif kan, Mummy?
  3. Rumah Allah kat mana Mummy?
  4. Kenapa Allah buat lightning?  A-cha takut yah.
  5. Allah ke buat buku ni, Mummy?
(Note: She repeats after Iris)

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