Wednesday, January 16, 2013

True Rest

This is in fact, so true.
When I was 19, I remember all Oasis's songs by heart.
Slip inside the eye of your mind, don't you know you might find, a better place to playyyy...

In my 20s, I never get jaded with Aerosmith.
Hey, j-j-jaded, in all it's misery, it will always be what I loved and hated...

I thought that by singing all these songs would give me inner peace.  My thought is wrong.  And so I tried and keep trying new method; by remembering Him.  I talk to Him in congested traffic on the way to work, I beg for Him to grant my wishes to be able to finish my studies, and be a good mother, a good She to Firdaus, to find cheap Lego, and to grant me ultimate gift, Syurga, and many other wishes.  I found peace when I read His Book.  I found peace when I do small givings to the unfortunate.  I found peace when I share good words about Him.

Yes, by remembering Him, I do find rest.  So, let us find true rest.
Note: Once in awhile, Firdaus and I took half day off, and had our karaoke time.  We left the girls at school, and brought our husky voice over to the RedBox. I would choose my songs and he, by contrast, sang My Way by Frank Sinatra and Nyanyian Serambi by Ramli Sarip.

Keluar pagi balik petang, adakala sampai malam, cari rezeki bawa pulang, buat orang yang tersayang, oooo bersabarlah...

By the time we done with the karaoke, he would suggest"Abang rasa She try nyanyi lagu yang chorus tak tinggi sangat lepas ni."

Back to the main point, let us remember Allah with all our hearts.  There are times that we don't, but when we do remember, try to be as close as we can to Him.

Note: I created the poster using this.

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