Tuesday, January 29, 2013

South America. It's like America, but south. ~ Young Ellie


We spent our last two weeks watching UP.  We are so in love with Carl Fredricksen and little Russell.  The girls called Carl, Grampa.  This movie brought me tears.  I hardly cried when watching a movie, but this movie Up really touched my heart.  Saw me crying, the girls asked me why.  I simply answered "Mummy sedih." The truth is, I was able to relate this movie to my life.  Here, I'd like to share the wisdom nuggets from the movie.

  • Don't keep postponing your dreams - Do it now! If you feel like travelling, hiking, learning sign language, do them now! Don't wait till you have 'enough' money and time.  You would never ever have enough money and time.  You'd probably can't hike when you have knee pain in your 60s.  
  • Spend your money now! - Don't keep them all in the safety box. Spend, dear, spend! If you feel like spending on Lego Friends, then go for it, get rid of the guilt and splurge on yourself. Use your money to make others happy and you too!
  • Get out of your comfort zone - Hike a mountain!
  • Keep the memories - In his last years, Carl smiled and hold onto the photos of Ellie (his wife) and him.  He smiled at the photos of them hugging, holding hands together, sitting on their favorite chairs and clouds watching.  You know how much we love to flashback things. So keep the memories; blogging, or journal writing, or keepsake box, anything.  
  • To get you moving, you need to leave things - On his way up to rescue Russell, Carl had thrown up all his stuff in the house; from the mirror to Ellie and his favorite chairs. Let me relate this to my life. Hmm, perhaps I need to leave out the iPad, the gadgets, the temporary entertainments and such to enjoy real life! (And to finish my studies?)
  • Adventure is out there! - Quoted Firdaus, "Abang rasa macam nak masuk pengakap balik bila tengok movie ni." Everyone of us born Boy Scout and Girl Scout.  Don't let money stop you, instead use them for, umm, going to the Paradise Falls!
Ahh, I feel so up whenever I watched this movie. Get this movie and watch it with your family. Do it now! :)

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