Monday, December 16, 2013

Read aloud: Cave Baby

This illustrated story tells the escapades of the bored cave baby. His dad is so brave and loves hunting. His mom is artistic and loves to paint on the cave wall. He then finds a brush, a pot and paints and starts painting on the cave wall just like his mother. The parents are not happy when they find out what the baby did. So the dad scares him and warns, "If you don't take care, the mammoth's going to throw you to the big brown bear!". This scares the cave baby and he goes to bed worries. Then 'A long grey trunk comes sneaking in, all wiggly like a snake'. Much to his surprise, a big mammoth takes him out to the mysterious adventure. He brings the cave baby to another cave and gives him brush, pot and paints. The cave baby paints bright squiggles, starts and stripes and animals on the cave wall and no mom and dad to scold him. 

Here are few questions asked by my daughters:
  1. What is mammoth? It looks like an elephant, but why does it have trunks? 
  2. Why they live in the cave? Why don't they live in the house like us?
  3. What is mammoth?
  4. What is mammoth?
I have found an interesting website listing out teaching ideas for the book as follows:

1. Literacy
  • Can you find the rhyming words in the book?
  • Retell the story in the form of a diary entry from the cave baby's point of view.
  • Imagine that you went on an adventure with a wooly mammoth. Can you explain what happens?

2. Science
  • Imagine that you went on an adventure with a wooly mammoth. Can you explain what happens?
  • Look through the story and find the different animals that are mentioned. How many of them are still alive today? How many are extinct?
  • Look at the footprints of different animals. Can you drawn the footprint of a wooly mammoth?

3. Design Technology
  • Think of the similarities/ differences between living in a cave and a house.
  • Design a new toy to entertain the cave baby when he's bored. What materials might the toy be made of?

4. Music
  • Listen to the song. Can you sing along? Click here for the song.

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