Sunday, December 22, 2013

Read aloud: We're Going on a Bear Hunt

This is one of our favorite books. We actually have two sets of this titles but we love the celebratory pop-up edition more. I purchased the pop-up edition last two years at Bookxcess only at RM40. This much-loved children book is written by Michael Rosen and illustrated by Helen Oxenbury. This story is about a brave family and their dog who are determined to search for a bear and they went through several obstacles in their way. Along the way they chanted "We're going on a bear hunt, we're going to catch a big one, what a beautiful day, we're not scared." They went through many obstacles and finally came to a cave with a big brown bear in it. The book is truly loved by my girls. I mean seriously who would not? We would finished reading this book by watching its animated version. And we would singalong and copy every single move performed by our beloved Uncle Michael!

Are you ready for the bear hunt?

Uh-oh grass, a long wavy grass!

Uh-oh a river, a deep cold river!

Uh-oh a forest, a big dark forest!

Uh-oh a snowstorm, a swirling whirling snowstorm!


This is my girls' favorite part. They loved the feeling that the bear is going to catch them.

(Perhaps the bear just wants to play?)

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