Monday, October 27, 2008

Cozy Confinement

I just love being in confinement. Everyone treated me like I am a princess. I never thought there are so much loves around me until I was in confinement. They showered me with ultimate love from the first day I labored you.

I remembered how Nek Ma and Tok Kedah served me the food on the first day we were brought home. They even prepared me the water for me to bathe. Tok Kedah even brought two big plastic bags full of various leaves from Kedah to make sure I smelled good. I love the aroma of daun serai. While Nek Ma cooked me plain nasi and ikan bakar, Tok Kedah prepared the fragrant leaves for me to freshen up. And after that Bapak helped me to bathe. He did everything; from melulur to put on me the corset. I just love the treatment.

Bapak also cooked me special dishes when I underwent my confinement in Kok Lanas. He cooked me cabbage soup and that delicious ikan masak halia and daging goreng. And he would put mountain of nasi for me to eat. I wish I would be in confinement for three years until I get another baby and the confinement would never end.

My Oliver Twist


The only thing I hate about confinement was I can’t simply eat anything, especially when Nek Ma was around. I can’t resist the temptation of onde-onde, taik itik, bunga tanjung; all of the sweetmeats they had for breakfast. Unfortunately I was confined in Ramadhan. There were so many delicious dishes. But when Nek Ma and Tok Ba weren’t around, the fridge was all mine.

And I also hate when they asked me to walk slowly afraid that I would have re-sutured. How on earth could I walk slowly when I can even dance? (Oh, please stop being arrogant). I also didn’t like when Nek Ma forbade me from having a night bathe. She said I would have sakit urat in future. I told her not to worry since I will sign up for Marie Claire after this. (Oh again, please stop being arrogant). I always protest Nek Ma and sometimes we had small fight. Umm, I think I should rephrase it as a ‘words war’ rather than a small fight. But Nek Ma was really a warrior, I never won any.

I love the confinement. I am loved and cared and surrounded by the people I love. Everyone did all my daily chores and all I have to do is rest and rest and rest. But after all, I think two months confinement is enough since I don’t want to end up being like Paris Hilton; a true butterfinger and a b***o.


Mummy Hanny said...

mummy she, pantang betul2 tau. u never know what will happen in the future (near future infact) if you continue eating everything, mandi malam, jalan laju2, etc. menyesal wooo kalau dah kena akibat tak pantang betul2 ni... been there oredi! tobat anak no.2 I nak pantang 150%!

Shahida Shalahim said...

ye ke mummy hanny?i dh derhaka pd mak i jgn garu perot masa preggo, and now i got very the terok type of perot..kena gi new york skin solution (my sister suggested)..apa yg akan jadi mummy hunny?

Mummy Hanny said...

natijahnya? hmmm just imagine shivering for hours because you feel sooooo colddd...sampai rase nak beku.. and it won't go away eventho after a pile of blanketsss!

p/s: patuhilah undang2 berpantang!