Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Holiday At Bukit Tinggi

Mummy had a seminar at Bukit Tinggi on December 1st to 3rd. Mummy had a problem to find an available nanny who can take a great care of you. Bapak can’t take any leave. After Mummy had a long serious headache, Nek Ma and Tok Ba, your forever big fans, have volunteered to be your nannies for three days up at Bukit Tinggi. And oh yes, we had another two lovely gorgeous nannies – Anya and Antisha.

We were lodged up at Selesa Hillhomes at level 4. Can you imagine that we have to climb up the stairs to get to our room? And I have to do it five times daily to get to the seminar room (which was also at level 3 another block) and run over you to smooch you and hug you after a long tired seminar.

On the second day, we went to Bapak and Mummy’s favorite place – Colmar Tropicale. We have been there when you were negative seven months in my womb. Can you feel the sensation baby? Everybody loves this place including you! You learnt lots of things that day. You saw so many beautiful things. You breathe the cool breezy air. You just love it. We snapped lots of photos and thank to Antisha she brought her Samsung.

Even though it was a tiring seminar, but seeing Tok Ba, Nek Ma, Anya, Antisha and yours happy faces have made me the happiest person on earth! Bila mao jalan-jalan lagi?

Tok Ba's sweetheart

Rambut shiapa cacak-cacak tu?

At Rabbit Park

Kappow! Anya was a jelmaan of rabbit.

Nek Ma and Anya had fun feeding the donkeys

Je suis content que tu sois!


Lovely Antisha and Anya (Antima, I bring you next time ya!)


Ohé du bateau !

Ai, dah jadi Mummy for three months pun tak reti-reti pegang baby?


vagg© said...

nurul.. xdapat nanny lagi ke? huhu

Shahida Shalahim said...

auntie vaggie, thanks for the concern.dpt akhirnya..punyala jauh mencari,nanny ada di sblh rumah je.hehe.

bapak iris adeena said...

bapak wasn't there.. bapak oncall la iris.. huhu

Shahida Shalahim said...

tu la,it wud be merrier if bapak ada sama kan iris?tp bapak on-call la tu hari.next time kita holiday sama-sama ye?toronto and hong kong!!wait for us!!!

Anonymous said...

pic antisha n iris paling cute kannn????... kakak...kis iris banyak2...for me yerr..