Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Joy of Joys!

22nd June. My birthday. My 28th. But feel like 82, how is it? No celebration. I was fasting, 26 days left. Mummy’s sacrifice, otherwise beras should sacrifice. Har-har! Went nuts over The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao ( Die young. Whatever. A boring book. Made no mistake next time, She. Pulitzer Prize Winner doesn’t mean a-must-mash book.) Abang, thanks for The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, Diary of a Girl in Changi, Sea of Poppies, and Yesterday’s Weather. And my lovely family thanks a lot for the birthday song and Anya thanks for the entry. Friends, thanks for the best wishes.

Hey, it’s 22nd June, enjoy your day dear! Firdausku sorang, thanks for the card and the books. I love this year’s birthday card and hey world, I’d like to share it with you!

Happy Birthday to My Wonderful Wife

In the bed or in the shower,
For a minute or an hour,

In the dark or in the light,
All the day or all the night,

In the back seats of our cars,
In a meadow under stars,

Under tables under covers,
In the guest room at your mother’s,

Anyplace that you might name-
If it’s you, I’m always game,

On patios or screened-in decks,
Where shall we have your birthday …………

CAKE? What? You thought I was gonna say SEX?

P/S: (Err Abang, yes, I thought you gonna say SEX)

P/P/S: I just finished reading The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. I should have prepared myself with Trujillo and having intimate affair with Dominic Republic’s history textbooks before skimming through the book. Sorry Diaz, I’m not into your writings. Started with foul language, and ended one. Not that I never swear, hey, swearing cool what, apalagi dalam bahasa ibundaku, KelaMtaM (you never swear?stop acting Mother Teresa you!), but I just cannot stand with a Pulitzer Prize Winner full of foul words, that made me curse on my very birthday. Har-har! I should try The Road, last year's winner of Pulitzer Prize. Whatever. Happy birthday my dear me. Love you so much, She.
Birthday Books


vagg© said...

whatever the thing is..
aku best kan.. still ingat besday mung bila.
(tak puas mengada kat sms.. aku sambung kat sini pulakkkkkkkk ahaha)
bila nk jumpa niiiiiiiiii

Shahida Shalahim said...

vaggie-muahahaha,terharu gila seh.ko saje nk tunjuk kehebatan ko mengingat harijadi rakan sekolah lama kan?tp ko mmg terer ah vaggie,aku sungguh terharu sehingga malu utk bertemu muka.

vagg© said...

special entry for u in my blog.

nodoya shalala said...

i wish i were u! spent my money only with the feveret books! but this is money is only for the brg2 yg tak bergune. har har! oops..seronok gelak mcm u btw..(kenapala kite xtakdirkan kembar ye kakak? mgkin cara itu sy boleh jd 'gila membaca')